Teaching English in South America

A couple years ago I had the opportunity to visit Argentina and Chile, and while I was there I couldn't help but think "wow...it would be amazing to teach English in South America." Countries in South America have so much to offer visitors: rich histories, beautiful and diverse landscapes, unique cultures, delicious cuisine, friendly people, vibrant languages and so much more. Although I have not taught in South America, I wanted to highlight a few popular spots for teaching English and also provide some advice on what you should expect if you choose to teach there. To do this, I'll rely on my experience traveling there, my friend Diego's(from Peru) guidance, and some research that I have done on teaching in this area of the world. If you have taught in this area of the world, please please please leave your own advice in the comment section below or on my google+ page Chile Probably one of the most popular spots to teach English in South America is Chile. ...